- What is Theistic Evolution?
- The Greek word “Theos” means “God”.
- Theistic evolution – a doctrine which assumes God created a simple sort of life form and that all living things evolved over millions of years.
- This doctrine us unbiblical.
- The following reasons prove this doctrine to be false.
- Reason #1. The six days of Gen. 1 are not six epochs.
- 1:5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31 each of the first days of the creation had an evening and a morning.
- Evening ended the light period of each day and morning ended the darkness of each 24 hour period. God had created light so it is obvious that the earth is rotating to give alternate light and dark periods.
- Most reputable Hebrew dictionaries do not allow “yom” (day) that is associated with a numeral (second day) to meaning any thing other than a 24 hour period (except Prophetic language).
- The wording of the Genesis account seems to indicate a short for creative acts. A literal transition of Gen. 1:11 is “earth sprout sprouts”. The same verse says “it was so”.
- Reason #2. If God created living forms in an extremely premature state, how did they survive (ie baby animals). Fossil forms represent fully developed forms.
- Reason #3. If the six days of creation were epochs then the alternate light and dark periods would be long periods (thousands of years). Plants and animals could not survive thousands of years in the dark. 1:11, 12, 24, 25 plants and animals were full grown able to reproduce at creation. It’s obvious that “day” in the creation account is an ordinary day.
- Reason #4. If a day was an epoch and the plants evolved in the third epoch (day), how did they survive without insects, which evolved in the sixth epoch (day)? (Genesis 1:25). A majority of plants require insects for pollination to support reproduction. How could pollination processes have taken place while insects were absent or being developed gradually?
- Reason #5. 1:31 at the conclusion of the six epochs (days) God said every thing He made was very good. If the days of creation were epochs, and death, devastation, disease reigned over those “epochs” as evidenced by the fossil record, how could God say it was good? There was no death and destruction in God’s days in Genesis.
- Reason #6. Theistic evolutions say Adam was the slow evolutionary process from animal ancestors. How about Eve? Did that rib gradually emerge from Adam’s side? Did the rib gradually develop into a woman? The Bible description would have to say God gradually formed man through various animal stages. 1:26; 2:7 God made man in His own image from the dust of the earth. Gen. 3:19 God said man’s body would go back to the dust of the earth. This doesn’t mean that man’s body goes back to an animal existence.
- Reason #7. Evolutionary geologists say that life came out of a very ancient non-living primeval ocean. They say that this beginning of life was marine life and the first life was a minute bit of matter consisting of complex chemicals that somehow came alive. 1:20, 21 says God created a great abundance of marine life at the very beginning of marine life.
- Reason #8. Evolutionist say life began in the ocean but Genesis 1:10-11 says the first life began on dry land. Theistic evolutionists can’t believe evolutionary geologists and the Bible
- Reason #9. Evolutionary geologists teach that fish and other marine life forms evolved long before there were any fruit trees. However, Gen. 1:11, 20, 21 contradicts this order of development. Fruit trees were created before fish and other living creature. A problem for theistic evolutionists.
- Reason #10. Theistic evolutionist have to believe that many forms of fish developed over millions of years before birds developed. 1:21 declares birds and fish were created at the same time.
- Reason #11. Theistic evolutionist have to believe that God brought life forms into being through a slow evolutionary process beginning with simple life forms such as trilobites, then larger marine organisms, then amphibians and mammals and finally whales. 1:21 God created instantaneously the sea life including whales (every living sea creatures and sea monsters). The Bible says whales came first not trilobites etc.
- Reason #12. Theistic evolutionists have to believe that God brought living organisms into being slowly through the evolutionary process form a common ancestor. 1:11, 12, 21, 24, 25 declares that the created entities were to reproduce after its kind. We generally think kinds are all dogs, cats, elephants etc. God’s classification is broader as shown by the following examples of kinds:
- Mule – offspring of a male donkey and a female horse.
- Henny – offspring of a female donkey and a male horse.
- Cattalo – offspring of cow and buffalo.
- Zeonkey – female donkey and male zebra.
Kinds can have within it variations of types and forms. There are at least 150 distinct types of human beings. There is evolution within types. Theistic evolutionists believe all living forms developed from a common ancestor.
- Reason #13. Matt. 19:4 He made them male and female at the beginning. Gal. 4:4 God sent forth His Son made of woman. Php. 2:7 Jesus was made in the likeness of men. To be a theistic evolutionist, one has to believe Jesus had animal ancestors.